A Better U

Holistic Health & Wellness coach

What we offer

Life skills to transform your life

What is Life Coaching;

An Extraordinary life starts with sLife Coaching is the process of assessing existing thoughts and emotions, observing behavioral and linguistic patterns, and discerning obstacles (things holding you back). It’s all about human behaviour.

You attract and therefore create everything in your life – We are all imperfect human beings.

Learn to visualize – learn how the mind works – learn about your self-talk – learn to focus.

  • Master Emotions
  • Become self-aware.
  • Become authentic, more balanced, more grounded
  • Become a better you
  • Learn to communicate – become an active listener – learn to choose your words.
  • Become flexible in your behaviour
  • Learn to make new choices in life, and focus on positive outcomes.
  • Learn to have a relationship and understand and love oneself – something can only hurt if you choose for it to hurt.
  • You are what you believe you are.
  • Learn who you are – define yourself
  • Discover your values
  • Discover what is it that really drives you – What really matters the most – What inspires you – What brings a sense of meaning to your life – What makes you true to yourself.
  • Learn not to resist acceptance – accept the unknown – learn to love and live with differences


Emotional intelligence 

  1. Interpersonal skills – social competencies. – social awareness and ability to manage relationships. Ability to understand others’ moods, behavior, and motives to develop an understanding of what is at the core of an issue
  2. Intra-personal Intelligence – is your ability to be aware of your own moods, emotions, and motives and be able to manage or redirect them and your behaviours. Your abilities to be flexible. Think before reacting


Life skills to transform your life

  • Understanding depression – Physical & Psychological effects of depression
  • Beating anxiety – how to overcome your stuck points – how to face your inner demons
  • Overcome your resistance to change Importance of having confidence, self-care and self-awareness.

My mission as your life coach is to empower you to love yourself so that you finally start living a full and extraordinary life.

To thrive in life we have to master the perennial challenge of balancing work, health, responsibility, family and relationships.

You can be anything, do anything or start over.

A Life coach will inspire personal growth, master emotions, stop self-sabotage, stop negative thinking.

Empower your thoughts, emotions, behaviours and dreams.

I deal with any area of life you want to address: career, relationships, goals, stress, emotions, self-esteem, anxiety and depression.