A Better U

Holistic Health & Wellness coach

Groups & Gatherings

with highly skilled and accredited Holistic Life & Corporate coach Elbi Marais

Divorce support groups and coping with divorce:

Divorce Lifestyle, Health, and Wellness, Self-Care, Mental health

  • Divorce stirs up all sorts of emotions and issues – stress and grief that stem from the death of a relationship and the break of an important contract.
  • A group of people who meet in person or online to share their divorce-related experiences and give and receive support.
  • The group is led by a therapist (myself) who guides group discussion about a pertinent topic or topics.
  • Confidentiality is a top priority
  • Encourage structured conversations and promote fair – and – take between participants.
  • The goal is for each member to leave the meeting feeling validated and satisfied.


Benefits of divorce support groups:

  • Allow you to talk through your recovery process in a group setting – or one on one with a therapist
  • Share our story instead of holding it in
  • Hear the stories of others
  • You may make new friends
  • It’s fairly easy to find one that fits your schedule


A therapist can help you move through the natural stages of grief that accompany divorce. Provide you with coping tools to help you through your toughest times.

Unlike a support group, private therapy allows you to work through your issue in a self-focus manner.

You don’t have to do this alone. Plenty of support exists for people just like you who want to share their experiences, learn new perspectives, and give and receive compassion.

Grief and Bereavement

It is often said that each journey begins with a single step.

Grief support groups are increasingly being recognized as an effective way to promote healing through education and support after the loss of a loved one or close friend.

Bereavement group members report a strong positive impact based on both the psycho-educational aspects of groups and the ‘safe-haven setting they provide for emotional expression and release of feelings.

It offers a different quality of support and connection that comes from being with people who have also experienced a loss.

Grief support groups provide emotional support, validation, and education about grief.

  • A safe environment where one can tell his/her story and express feelings freely, knowing that others will be understanding, non-judgmental and supportive.
  • A place for establishing a connection with others to decrease the isolation that grief brings.
  • A forum for understanding common myths about grief and typical grief patterns
  • A place for learning that there are many different ways to grieve, all of which are natural and acceptable
  • Understand everybody in the group are at different points in their journey.
  • A place for learning new coping skills, relaxation techniques, stress management skills, daily survival skills, and, the gift of self-compassion.

LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender

One of the challenges in reaching out for support if you are gay, is that you may feel others who are not gay will not understand your situation.

Gay support groups can help someone dealing with issues anywhere along a continuum – from the point where they are questioning their sexuality through dealing with challenges of the possibility of coming out at work/school/university or struggling with gay relationship issues. This allows LGBT people to support each other through life’s challenges.

The facilitator is usually a Life Coach Practitioner. Being gay is not a mental illness, but support groups can benefit from professional leadership.

  • Help in coming out
  • Help in dealing with interpersonal, religious or family rejection
  • Help with workplace or school challenges
  • Dealing with internalized homophobia
  • Help with homosexuality and mental health issues


Gay support groups for the families and friends of gay people.

  • Helping a gay loved one through the challenges of coming out
  • Parenting a gay youth
  • The coming out process of the family member
  • Coping with changes in expectations due to sexuality (expectations of marriage, grandchildren, etc)
  • Finding acceptance